Sunday, September 26, 2010

Lady Gaga & Exponents

Ahh, it's been an interesting start of the year, eh?  We started back in the beginning of September, but last week was the first week I met my two 9th grade classes and started teaching from my new textbook (more on this later).  My student teacher turned out to be mis-assigned and left, I'm responsible for sorting out all the 9th graders who need to be in classes beyond or below our standard curriculum, I've  been co-planning a professional development video club "pod" for some of our staff and co-creating a structure for our new school-wide office hours (which are not quite mandatory and not quite optional for our students).  It's been flipping crazy pants.

I've been so excited to get back to writing and reading the blogs.  I've been waiting for time, waiting for something smart or insightful or inspiring.  In fact I've been thinking of quitting, remembering that 9th graders are 9th graders and enjoying the weekend pretending I am not consumed by this job.

Since that's where I'm coming from, I thought it might be nice to share something I saved from the summer, for when I teach exponents and distribution.  This came from Bowen Kerins and Darryl Yong, of PCMI fame, although I did edit it.

If by some miracle you haven't watched this most watched video, go here.  This song changed my life this summer.

I was inspired by this to write my own for what I thought was an ancient and outdated tune but which has been co-opted and recycled and might actually be familiar to your kids now.

If you're looking for some awesome math problems to do, go here.  The problem sets that inspired this post are up there.  Start with Day 1.

You all rock.  For doing what you do, for taking any time to reflect and read and write.  I hope this finds you all happy and rested and inspired.  May this Autumn bring you joy and surprise in the mystery of it all.

1 comment:

  1. OMG, Jesse! I <3 this so much!! This is so creative and fun, and I can't wait to use it with my students!

    I am always inspired by your enthusiasm, ideas, and sincerity. Looking forward to what you write next!
