Thursday, July 15, 2010

Group Dynamics for Teachers

I gave a short presentation this morning at PCMI (during which, if you can believe it, I cried) on what I've learned about Group Dynamics in the last year. A few of teachers at my school have been working with an amazing and generous group therapist and expert on group development. It's been the best PD I've gotten at school, and I'm really excited to share and keep this conversation thread going. Hopefully the prezi stands on it's own enough to at least get people thinking about it. (just click the right arrow to advance the slide)


  1. Yes, it does stand on it's own. And it's really good to see this in such a well organized way. It's actually so clear that I am going to show my students the first half at the start of the school year. I think it could start some wonderful conversations about groups and classroom roles.

  2. Um, love it!

    Some of the most powerful pd I got was also from a principal who had been trained as a family therapist! Barney Brawer. Teaching/schools + family therapy = powerful synergy! Yay!

  3. Hello,

    I recently compiled a list of the Top 25 Blogs for math in the classroom, and I
    just wanted to let you know that you made the list! It
    is published online at

    Thanks so much, and if you think your audience would find useful
    information in the list or on the site, please feel free to share the
    link. The blog is just starting up, so we always appreciate a linkback
    as we're trying to increase readership.

    Thanks again, and have a great day!


  4. Love this presentation and would love to have more info! Thanks :)

  5. If anyone wants the article mentioned in the article, send me your email and I'll send it to you.

  6. Hi Jesse,
    I am soooooo glad you posted this presentation. I was enthralled with it at PCMI. YOU are amazing and I am so grateful to know you.

    ps I cried when you did, too...
